
The program seeks to equip Geology students with the greatest variety of intellectual, practical, and transferrable skills, prepare them to tackle the wide range of geological problems they will face in their future employment. This will be accomplished by:

Collect, analyze, and present data using appropriate formats and techniques.

Postulate concepts and choose appropriate solutions to solve problems on scientific basis.

Estimate, consult and evaluate the geological hazards and visibility of the applied geological environment and economical projects.

Use effectively information technology and the software packages relevant to the geological problems.

Contribute effectively in a multidisciplinary teamwork and be flexible for adaptation decision making and working under contradictory conditions as well as exhibiting the sense of beauty and neatness.

Adopt self and long life-learning and participate effectively in research activities.

Develop geologic approaches that meet sustainability needs considering economic, environmental, social, ethical, and safety requirements.


Intended Learning outcomes

A. Knowledge and understanding:

By the end of this programme students should acquire knowledge and an understanding of:

A1. Theoretical bases, procedures and techniques used for geological field studies and related laboratory analysis.

A2. Physical features and history of the earth.

A3. Rock types forming the earth crust.

A4. Tectonic events, stratigraphical and structural phenomena.

A5.Types and distribution of geological resources (rocks, mineral deposits, underground water, oil and natural gas).


B. Intellectual skills:

They will also acquire the ability to:

B1. Develop the capability of interpretation and analysis of geological phenomena.

B2. Assume a range of ideas to solve different geological problems.

B3. Assess the techniques and theories to identify the appropriate applicable techniques and theories.

B4. Recognize and differentiate between the published geological data.


C. Professional and practical skills:

C1. Use laboratory and field equipment safely for collecting and analyzing samples, observations and measurements.

C2. Apply scientific ethics for geological sample selection field investigations and accuracy during reporting.

C3. Employ the application to exploration for Earth resources.

C4.Participate fully in geology – based industries.

C5. Apply the geographical information system (GIS) and remote sensing in interpreting the different geological phenomena and geological hazards evaluation.

C6. Investigate previous work and references.



D. General and transferable skills:

D1. Use information and communication technology effectively. (IT skills)

D2. Identify roles and responsibilities, and their performing manner. (Communication)

D3. Think independently, set tasks and solve problems on scientific basis. (Problem solving)

D4. Work in groups effectively; manage time, collaborate and communicate with others positively. (Working with others)

D5. Consider community linked problems, ethics and traditions. (Communication)

D6. Acquire self- and long life–learning. (IT skills)

D7. Apply scientific models, systems, and tools effectively. (Problem solving)